LENA Start: Build Your Child's Brain — Read Aloud Delaware

LENA Start for Parents

The goal of LENA Start is to help parents of children ages 0 – 3 years strengthen the home language environments during this critical phase of child development. LENA Start groups meet weekly for ten engaging, facilitated sessions. At each session, families learn strategies for incorporating more daily talk into their everyday routine with their child. To date, we have served over 150 families in English and Spanish. 

There is no cost for families to participate, and incentives will be offered to eligible families. Families who participate in Start classes show growth in adult word counts, conversational turns (pivots in conversation which support brain development) and growth in the child’s expressive and receptive language skills.

Upcoming Cohorts

  • New cohorts start every 10 weeks


Interested in LENA Start?

Register to attend upcoming information sessions.


LENA Start really helped me learn how to teach my child through everyday situations. It has made me more mindful about how to talk to and incorporate my child into my everyday routine. I am so thankful that LENA and Read Aloud Delaware provided this opportunity to me and my family.
— The Johnson Family


Please contact James Spadola, Executive Director at jspadola@readalouddelaware.org or 302.656.5256 for more information or for any questions about this virtual program.